What do you think about using blogs?
I had never used a blog or knew much about them until taking this class. I had heard of them and knew what they were, but never actually blogged. I think it sounds like a convenient way to relay information quickly to others and also a good chance to network with people with similar interests.
What and how do you think blogs would be useful for education? Some people think using blogs in classrooms is a waste of students’ time. How would you respond?
Blogging in the classroom sounds like a great idea. The students could use the networking to provide feedback for other students and to share their ideas. If someone told me that using blogs in the classroom was a waste of time, I would have to respond by politely explaining how valuable the opportunity for the students to share their work with each other is.
What are some ways that you could use he technology ideas in Chapter 6 to support your curriculum and student learners?
I could use blogs to help some of my students who may be too shy to speak up during class discussions get their chance to talk. I could also use a blog to help provide extra information in case the student wanted to do further research.
Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R., & Crismond, D.(2008).
Meaningful Learning with Technology (3rd ed.). Columbus, OH:
Meaningful Learning with Technology (3rd ed.). Columbus, OH: